Harris Health Systems Research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

The headquarters of the utility is in Houston. Although it has some branches across the country, Harris Health Systems mainly operates within the county of Houston where it provides practical and comfortable medical help to the people within its locality. For Harris Health Systems to develop the most coherent and the best health system to help the people, it must fulfill some primary recommendation that will ensure its suitability and reliability. Recommendations to be undertaken Harris Health System is an excellent initiative that aids in the health system of the people in the United States. It is a large organization that aims to see the availability of better health systems for the people. Expanding the offices is also another crucial technique that will help the people to access the services with ease (Turner 107) Harris Health Systems must also consider ensuring that they have the most consistent healthcare facilities that must work towards efficient waste disposal amenities, sanitation, hand hygiene and constant energy supply.

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The effectiveness of any health system largely depends on its effectiveness to provide prevention measures rather than cure. Waste disposal is a crucial concept for any medical facility. The wastes from a medical facility are very toxic, and Harris Health Systems should devote towards creating the best and the most efficient waste management unit. Providing the best energy system is a recommendation that will ensure that in case of an emergency there will always power back up. Payment is also required to set up and establish the new branches across the states for the organization. The finances are also necessary for the general implementation of all the recommendations made above about the Harris Health System. Failure to get the required amount of cash may derail the functionality of the organization.

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Research and development is another critical challenge that might prove to be a headache for the organization. For the establishment of new offices, the organization must run a series of researches to see the viability of the new recommendations. Suggestions on how to overcome these challenges Training is one of the best measures to overcome the challenges faced in the health industry. To ensure that all the recommendations are implemented with ease, and efficiency, Harris Health System must comply with training programs of its entire staff. Training the team is a sure way of dealing with the all the possible challenges that might be faced in the field. Training the team ensures that all the workers can comply with the various regulations that bind the workability of the health unit basing on the protocols of the health unit.

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