Document Type:Outline

Subject Area:Media

Document 1

B. Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that everyone has a role to play in ensuring these challenges are resolved. C. Central Idea: Although the current generation faces many challenges, they can still overcome these challenges just like the previous generations with the help of the government and society. II. Unemployment 1. Research indicates that unemployment is the most common problem facing youths across the world, with the highest increase in youth unemployment rate being recorded in Middle East (Okai, 2014). Causes of youth unemployment differ from one country to another, but the main causes of youth unemployment are poor governance and poor education policies (Hyde & Forbes, 2012). B. Lack of morals due to poor parenting 1. Drug Abuse 1. More than 23 million individuals aged 12 and beyond are dependent on alcohol as well as other drugs, and this affects millions of people in the society directly and indirectly (NCADD, 2015).

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