Professional leadership essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

Document 1

Especially in medicine and nursing, leadership sets the gap between nursing and recommendable nursing. This paper analyzes the essential transitional leadership skills for students to become state of the art professions in the field of nursing and as taught by Sally A. Weiss and Ruth M. Tappen. Leadership and followership It comes as a mountain for a graduate nurse, at the beginning of their career to refine and furnish their clinical skills especially in unfamiliar environments. Leadership situation Considering a situation where a young nurse ushers new graduates in a hospital facility as new workers or interns and follows them through to a point where they are fully oriented in the hospital program. This inspiration becomes the backbone of the follower’s working statuses.

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Such a person is a leader as he exercises delegation and sets a welcoming platform for the new followers to step on to the actual professionalism. This is thus considered critical for the welfare of nursing working effectiveness in the future. Trait theory This theory assumes that the psychological focus of people is projected from individual traits which are inherited from birth. The trait theory is however hard to translate into real life as it lacks no basis in its foundation. It is easier for people to learn quality leadership traits than being born inherently with such traits. The transformational theory, however, is much applicable as it is open to all that wish to take it cause. Such merit narrows the bridge between followership and relevant leadership.

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