Vocabulary Instructions for English Language Learners

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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The hard, difficult and challenging nature of the process not only requires competent skills but also require the educators to prepare well so that they can effectively teach vocabulary across various grade levels and content areas. They have to be aware that proper vocabulary is not only restricted to teaching the definitions of the words but also requires one to fully understand the context while also drawing connections outside the lesson plan. Therefore, teachers are encouraged to deeply understand the process and select appropriate text, identify words for instructions and choose strategies that can facilitate vocabulary growth. In line with this thesis, this study sheds light on vocabulary instruction and outlines the best practices for vocabulary instruction for English Language Learners as my content area.

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Number of Words Presented Weekly Unlike other literary skills, terminology does not seem to have a "ceiling" for mastery. First I will ask them their thought before asking questions that are related to the context. The fourth process is to provide a phonological model such as stress and pronunciation in a surrounding sentence. I will then use promptly to elicit use of the word typically. The second last step is to set up a simulation so that the students can say the word in a natural way. Finally, I will develop a review schedule where words are elicited and practiced. The resources you will use in vocabulary instruction and review activities. These resources will equally be useful across the curriculum of the elementary and middle school.

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Activities for Reviewing and Connecting Terms Learning is all about remembering what you have been taught at the right time and in time. To avoid the lexical vanishing act, an educator should consider adopting various techniques to review and connect terms while carrying out vocabulary instruction. One of the examples that as an educator I can use is creating a working map that will connect the newly learned words with other words through the use of antonyms, synonyms and writing their own words (Johnston, Lauren, Sterett, and Rhonda p. Another approach I would consider is the fishbowl approach in which a group of students sit at the front of the classroom and discusses an assigned topic to the entire class. Activities for Encouraging Students’ Self-Reflection on Their Progress Normally, the power of learning is in the action of doing the activity.

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Through self-reflection, power is provided through the action of doing the activity (Lucas, Matt, Myles, and Osamu p. Therefore, during vocabulary instruction, there are a lot of activities that as an educator, I will practice to inspire learner’s self-reflection on their progress. For instance, I will order the students to present orally in front of the class. The process of acquiring new vocabularies is one that is full of challenges and the educators must be prepared enough to survive the scare of teaching it. Therefore, the educators must try to accelerate the pace of learning for the latter to ensure that both find the process interesting, beneficial and worthy. Perhaps a systematic approach is needed for both to achieve the communicative success of the process.

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