Essay on climate refugees

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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This is a phenomenon that the international community should seriously take into consideration as it calls for urgent solutions. The topic of climate refugees has been around from 1985. El-Hinnawi defines climate refugees as individuals that have been forced to permanently or temporarily displace from their traditional habitat due to cases of environmental disruptions that seriously affect their quality of life. This study aims to explore the nature of climate refugees with a focus in understanding the state of climate refugees, major contributions to this issue, current programs in place for helping the victims and recommendations to improve the current solutions. The reasons that trigger refugees to flee their traditional homes is a complex mixture of critical socioeconomic conditions and environmental degradation.

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The major reasons why climate refugees have not yet been reached out yet might lie under the complexities of defining climate refuges since the most known group of people affected by displacement is environmental refugees. The term "climate refugees" is not clearly defined in the context of the legal system. Millions of people flee their traditional homelands by force as a result of natural disasters and risks that come with extreme weather conditions (Durkova, Gromilova, Kiss, and Plaku, 2012). Thus, this continues to make the issues of displacement as a result of climate change an area of great concern. When discussing the issue of climate change, the conceptions that are mostly associated with this phenomenon include cases of melting polar ice, pollution, acid rain, rising temperature, and other factors.

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As the problems worsen, climate refugees have no option rather than migrate in search for better conditions in order to avoid the complicated situation caused as a result of the climatic change (Gill and McAdam, 2017). The other common cause of climate refugees is the problem of insufficiency of natural resources like water that triggers the continuous rise of this group of displaced people. This is because the scarcity of resources stirs up fights and conflict among people resulting in civil individuals migrating, as a result, becoming climatic refugees. Despite the fact that climate refugees have a problem the demand immediate solutions, there are no laws that are applied to represent this group of the population. They are not included in the “1951 Geneva Convention.

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The aim of this action is to help these communities adapt to cases of climate change through the construction of effective dams, levees, and drainage systems. Also, funds should be allocated to move some of these people to safe places away from areas that are more affected (Miller, 2017). The reason for this is because a protection gap exists in relation to climate refugees in the national platform. As a result, they are not included in government programs such as “1951 Convention“ that only supports cases of refugees migrating for reasons of fear of persecution. In conclusion, the topic of climate refugee is serious and requires special attention from governments and the international community. eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/621893/EPRS_BRI(2018)621893_EN. pdf Durkova, P.

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