Persuasive Speech of Policy Outline

Document Type:Outline

Subject Area:Other

Document 1

I. Introduction Paragraph A. The attention of the audience will be captured by stating with a question. For example, what is water pollution? This element will ensure that the audience become alert to know what water pollution is. B. C. Minimal use of herbicides and pesticides as well as oil spills will help in solving the problem of water pollution (Adler, 2015). III. Satisfaction or Plan A. One of these enactments is the Nebraska Chemigation Act which passed in 1986 (Davies, Mazurek 2014). C. Everyone should take part in community services whose main aim is to protect the environment. Every person should remember that the well being of the environment is enabled by their actions. References Adler, R. W. , Moore, C. , Newbold, S. , Simpson, D.

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