Whiteness in Education essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

E. B. Du Bois stated that the color line which meant the distance separating the darker and white races of men was the 20th century problem. Besides the numerous definitions of whiteness, people have generally viewed it as a socially constructed racial category giving privileges to its members. Whiteness is an ever shifting expression of what one constructing an “otherness” situation. al, 2017). It is shocking to even realize that pre-schools which hold kids of age between four and five are also victims of suspension, even with their innocence. It is sad because when the schools should be starting their education in peace, they are kicked out instead due to zero tolerant policies. Little children engage in behaviors such as hitting, biting and kicking which should be checked by the authorities to prevent injuries instead of expelling the youngsters.

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Every child despite of color at this age is likely to engage in the troublesome habits, and thus expelling the nonwhite students is not a sign of equality in schools. The cause of the biasness is a result of having white teachers who view the colored students as less of the white students because black teachers would acknowledge that nonwhite students have talents too. Identifying gifted children involves a variety of considerations. The gifted children might not have good grades in class, some underachieve due to boredom. Despite the standardized schoolwork, test scores, ability and portfolios, the children still display their giftedness and this should be a sign to the teachers that children of color are just as gifted as the white children.

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Service Learning has become a vital tool in helping college students to engage with the world by applying the acquired knowledge and skills in classrooms to the real-life situations. These less privileged children face a lot of difficulties when put in the same class with children who have the written word exposure. They may appear to be slow learners, while all they actually experience is a late start. Teachers in this case have to be aware of such situations and be ready to help the children out of such situations but paying extra attention with sensitivity and empathy to them in order for them to catch up with the privileged children. Teacher resources should be created to cater different children levels and possess assessment rubrics to factor the class details.

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