The national air and space museum

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:History

Document 1

The Museum just like its name suggests, it is concerned more with the artwork and exhibits from the air and space environments and which have their unique way different from the other displays or collections. The air and space artwork has not been considered by many of the museums and their collections and has resulted in little knowledge being circulated within the corridors of the collections and archived data in the museums. Concern has not been prioritized to avail the air and space artwork just like it is the case for other works and which prompts to limit the extent upon which many people tend to associate museums with works in concern with the other fields and more so historically driven in political, social and economic perspectives.

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The assumption has been air and space artworks might not generate a provision of attractiveness to the majority and hence no need to pay more attention in such collections. The National Air and Space Museum has helped bring to attention the past and current deliveries of the Air and Space departments into the light and help one to create a connection with the information in the databases about the transformation as well as inventions around the air and space field. Just like the name suggests of moving beyond the earth, the exhibit displayed the provision of human spaceflight and the possibilities of the future that might occur. The exhibit here connects the earth with the space environment explaining the focus of human being in the coming days in the future about taking the exploration of other regions in the universe a notch higher.

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The exhibit helps to place visitors “in orbit” within the shuttle and space-station era allowing for exploration to human space flights and what it is that human beings are looking forward within the space context. On the walls of the exhibit there was drift from one gallery to another bringing an expansive view of the earth as it is viewed from the space station while on another wall, there was a view of the space station bring forth a reflection about the location and its composition within that prospect. The exhibit also displayed a stage for live events, broadcasts as well as webcasts which under the label of “Space Flight Academy” was used to test for flights to space. The gallery here promoted to deliver an explanation about the awakened and history about the ultralight plane.

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