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Studying business development is a huge undertaking for many students. While hitting the books on the other subjects, you might need business development assignment help. Looking into the strategies, product, and marketing considerations, as well as dealing with the other management and finance courses, can cause you a lot of stress during the finals season.

If you feel that you can’t manage, going through this much information, and writing a BizDev paper scares the guts out of you, consider hiring a business writer to help you.

What Is Business Development?

In short, it is seeking growth opportunities. It also works towards establishing long-term links with other companies. Strategies used in this corporate field, if done right, can promote the company in their customers’ view. It earns the company a top position within the market.

A good example would be advertising and partnership in the fast-growing gaming industry. At all the major tournaments, players only use PlayStation consoles. People who are into gaming are much more likely to choose PlayStation over Xbox or gaming on PC. All the professional players do it. The two companies’ agreement behind this deal is the development process that we are talking about.

Companies implement different strategies in order to grow:

➡️ Product-Oriented Approach

When an organization asks another company to collaborate for mutual gain, it means that they create a new product together or develop an existing one with a special service. This helps both parties earn profit and launch successful advertising campaigns.

➡️ Distribution-Oriented Approach

This is a joint effort in which a company finds an exclusive dealer for its products. This dealer may sell products of a certain kind using different distribution channels. They make it more convenient for the customer to reach and choose the product.

➡️ Channel Distribution

This is a situation whereby a company finds a side dealer for the product. It is not connected with the producer but has a warm client base. This way, the company may widen its audience.

These are only some of the strategies used in business development. It is a multi-disciplinary corporate field, which requires practical knowledge of management, product development, and budget balancing.

Main Types of Business Development

There are five vital types of BizDev you must know about before getting down to your business development assignment. They differ depending on where the two companies decide to unite their forces.

👉 Branding

Creating a company image is a crucial part of public relations. It is quite common for companies to help each other to create a certain brand image and promote it through a partnership.

👉 Acquisition

A company may opt to buy another company to increase its profit and get the employees to learn some new skills.

👉 Sales

Sales are the driving force of any business. And to develop successfully, the company should know its target audience and their desires. Analysis of the audience helps to create a product that will be in high demand.

👉 Collaboration

This is the key to effective company management. When the two companies develop a product or a service together, they create a wider client base and work for mutual gain.

👉 Investment

Strategic planning in investments is critical when setting up a business. It is also needed when creating new financial assets to support the development of the business.

Let’s have a look at some examples of different company management strategies. Musixmatch has the world’s biggest database with song lyrics and software that allows devices to synchronize lyrics with a soundtrack. It would take Spotify years of work and millions of bucks to develop such a service on their own – that’s why they simply bought it from Musixmatch. This way, they were able to generate more profit.

Another illustration is Netflix. As with any other streaming platform, Netflix is a great example of distribution, connecting movie lovers with movie producers. It’s totally inconvenient for a customer to buy a movie or a TV show directly from the owner. They need someone to buy the rights for them and create a platform where all the video content is put together. That’s where Netflix steps in.

Main Elements of Business Development

While working on your homework assignment, you probably will be required to name the integral parts of the process, which are:

  • Identifying the target audience
  • Developing a product that will hold value for them
  • Converting this audience into clients
  • Meeting the clients’ demands

BizDev is a complicated, multi-dimensional process that involves marketing, market entry strategies, product management, media coverage, and PR. It takes the work of many professionals to create long-term sustainable and profitable relationships with customers and between organizations. Strategic planning in this field involves activities such as research, cross-team collaboration, project management, and negotiation.

Common Issues Solved by Business Development Managers

The task of Business Development Managers, or BDRs, is often unjustifiably overlooked. However, it includes working with a great variety of information sources, going through lots of studies and corporate data, and collaboration across teams. What are the main problems BDMs deal with?

✅ Identifying the target audience

As we already mentioned, effective management requires a precise study of the audience. The target audience is divided into segments and compared to the competitors’ customer base in the market. To choose the company strategy, a good manager should understand the audience’s demands clearly. This analysis starts with the questions like these:

  • Who do we sell to?
  • What channels should be used to reach the target audience?
  • Which of our competitors’ products attract our target audience?

✅ Product SWOT-analysis

The following research is about product advantages and flaws. What’s important for a BDM is a USP (unique selling proposition). It makes the product particularly appealing on the market. They also look for partnership opportunities and identify which problems might be solved with the help of the organizations on the market and what services they could offer in return.

Here BDMs answer the following questions:

  • How can the product be developed to make it attractive on the market?
  • What are the biggest competitors?
  • What is the "life span" of the product?

✅ Branding and Image Creation

Positioning is another issue often solved by a BDM: the mission and vision of the company should be clearly conveyed to the customers. The way the company positions itself determines the brands to collaborate with. The questions to address include the following:

  • What values should the company convey to attract the target audience?
  • What features will make the product stand out from the competition?

When Do You Need Business Management Homework Assistance?

Working on BizDev is a demanding job. Operating with a big deal of information when you are at the beginning of your career path is tough, even for the brightest of students. It’s no surprise that many of them need assignment writing assistance in this subject, and here is why.

☝️ You Lack Time

Doing a huge amount of research and developing a working strategy for a company normally takes months, and that is something most students could only dream of.

☝️ You Lack Sources and References

Management strategies of successful companies are confidential. Therefore, other students’ research is usually the best you can get.

☝️ You Lack Understanding

It’s all right if you have a hard time doing your homework on this subject. It is a field best learned in practice, and no university course can include enough of it.

Knowing this, we recommend that you save time and nerves by hiring a writing service specialist to help you with your BizDev assignment or business ethics assignments.

Hire a Business Development Homework Expert Online

What you need is help from an expert in academic writing. Looking for someone in person involves a high risk of anonymity violation. It will also take a lot of your time and energy. Luckily, you don’t have to look for an expert to assist you in your homework assignment in business development – the Studybay writing assistance service has already done it for you. We have many experts who specialize in your assignment topic.

We invite you to order your homework in BizDev from a team of over 5000 professional writers that have successfully delivered more than 400 thousand assignments. At Studybay, you will find a writer with the education appropriate for your homework assignment in business development to hire. What is important is that their expertise lies in the fields of management and finance. They have relevant experience in writing academic assignments and access to the necessary resources.

You don’t have to contact anyone in person - at Studybay, you can hire a business development homework expert online.

Main Business Development Assignments Topics We Can Cover

The range of topics we can assist you with is huge. Tell us about your assignment by completing the form on our website, and we will find a writer with years of experience. Here are some examples of the topics we cover that are connected with BizDev.

🖊️ Networking and Negotiation

The art of lobbying is a necessary skill in the corporate world. It is all about collaboration: one of the tasks in your homework might be to study and review this process.

🖊️ Strategic Management

It is a segment of long-term planning that uses data from both external and internal market environments.

🖊️ Project Management

This is a process of planning, cross-team communication, budgeting, and monitoring while developing a particular product or service.

🖊️ Acquisition and Partnerships

Here we are going to review different types of corporate collaborations, which are used to increase profit and create a better image for both sides of the deal.

🖊️ Finance

This is mostly about balancing the budget but also analyzing the company’s financial relationships with the government and the employees.

🖊️ Marketing

General basic outlook at branding, product launch and promotion, and developing the company image and financial effectiveness.

Benefits of Our Business Development Assignment Writing Service

Why should you order your business development assignment on Studybay? We only offer top-quality writing. There are certain benefits to our business development assignment writing service that make it stand out from the row.

👩‍🎓 Academic level

Specialists with a relevant degree

💯 Plagiarism free

No rewriting or copying

💵 Convenient payment

You pay in advance using major services like PayPal and have a 30-day money back guarantee

🧑‍🏫 Qualified writers

Economics specialists, native English speakers

⏰ Before deadline

You get all your pages on time with the right to a free revision

😎 Confidentiality

Privacy and anonymity are guaranteed

Hiring a writer from Studybay is convenient and quick – you can do it at home in minutes and can be sure of the final result. The free time that you save can be spent preparing for other important exams and working on other assignments.

How to Get Our Help

Getting your homework written by an expert is quick and easy:

  1. Sign up on the Studybay website - no surname, university details, or any other personal information is required
  2. Fill in the details about your assignment and subject - choose the type of paper, give a topic, give a description or attach any necessary files
  3. Set the deadline
  4. Choose an expert from the ones competing for your project or use auto-match
  5. Pay online with PayPal, Visa/Mastercard, etc.
  6. Get excellent grades

You get to communicate with the writer directly and revise your paper in the process. This is a vital point that you can monitor the creation of your assignment and get acquainted with all the stages, dive deeper into the material, and make certain concepts clear for yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Qualification of Your Business Development Homework Experts?

The experts that will compete for your project are specialists in business, economics, and finance with relevant degrees. We verify our writers’ regards and test their knowledge to make sure these characteristics match their actual expertise.

Where Can I Find Someone to Do My Business Development Assignment?

On Studybay, you can communicate with a seasoned professional who will write your business homework assignment online, and in the time limit that you specify, you will receive original work of the highest quality.

What Is the Likelihood of Getting a High Score in a Business Development Assignment?

The first thing you need to do to perform excellent BizDev work is thorough research across many information resources. Also, it’s impossible to do this without actual practice in BizDev/studying real cases. Our service provider gives access to all the required materials and reference papers to the writers. They guarantee a brilliant homework assignment.

Are Good Grades Guaranteed?

Our writers have years of experience writing academic papers on business development, and their skills in management and finance, combined with that experience, will secure you a great mark on your paper.

What Topics Can You Cover in the Assignments?

Studybay can cover a wide range of topics connected with your subject. They vary from finance to general marketing, including specific fields like negotiating and project management.

Is Business Development Assignments Assistance Legit?

The safety of the process is guaranteed. We don’t require any personal information or details about your university – you get your assignment in total privacy. In the time you set, you will have your assignment well written from scratch, matching all the academic requirements.

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