Operant Conditioning Essay

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

F. Skinner who believed that individuals change their behavior as a result of an inherent response to particular stimuli. The objective of this essay is to provide a description of operant condition as a theory. The essay will further try to provide a clear perspective of operant condition inclusive of viable examples to ascertain a comprehensive understanding. Operant Conditioning Principle B. The neutral operant is responses emanating from the surrounding that tend to neither decrease nor increase the likelihood of a behavior to recur. Reinforcers are responses emanating from the surrounding that increase the likelihood of a behavior to recur, while punishers are the responses emanating from the surrounding that decrease the likelihood of a behavior recurs. The key purpose of punishers is to weaken undesirable behaviors while the reinforcers strengthen and encourage desirable behaviors.

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Positive Reinforcement Positive reinforcement refers the process of encouraging an occurrence of a particular behavior more than once by introducing a reinforcing stimulus. In a situation where a favorable event, reward, or outcome occurs due to a behavior, that particular behavior is more likely to become strengthened. The student is more likely to study hard in order to receive the praises. Negative Reinforcement According to Skinner, a negative reinforcement is a situation where a behavior or a response is strengthened by avoiding, stopping or removing an aversive stimulus or a negative outcome. For instance, if the student failed to score a high grade in a class, the teacher can force the student to pay $20. In future, the student will study hard to avoid parting with a $20 note.

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Skinner conducted an experiment to prove the existence of negative reinforcement by placing a rat in his Skinner box. A significant human learning is facilitated through social learning and observations of other individuals or an event in a particular social situation. The objective of social learning theory, though its argumentation is founded on Skinnerian principle, is to explain the human behavior in a complex way and how it is influenced by the social events. It is therefore evident that most theorists assume that a person can learn a certain behavior through direct experiments. A number of them held a perspective that social learning is a combination of psychodynamic and behaviorist influence. The concept of role modeling has been used since time immemorial to reinstate or reinforce a certain behavior.

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