How to Write and Format a Business Case Study

By: Tasha Kolesnikova

Reviewed: Angelina Grin

18 min



How to Write and Format a Business Case Study

The Business Case Studies should be a short synopsis of the experience gained as possible and not exceed 15-20 pages. The focus of a case study should be on results and lessons learned. You are encouraged to use footnotes if they guide useful sources of additional information.

Process protagonist: Describe the various stakeholders who have participated in the exploration, leading to benefit sharing. As long as academics continue to explore the objective value of the case study and teaching in finance schools, their relevance remains a primary concern for school leaders.

Exploration is an important task. Based on specific examples and calculations, the argument is that the use of mathematical modeling methods makes it possible to analyze complex economic processes not only in statics but also in dynamics.

What Is the Business Case?

What is a business essay? What is a business case? What's the difference? Economic calculations create at the initial stage of project creation. This approach is necessary if you need to answer the question: "Is it worth continuing the project, will it benefit the company?" To launch a new project, it is necessary to find advantages for which it is worth moving in the right direction. The person who will do this must investigate every moment and find the answer to the question.

In addition to the fact that you will find out the use of the project, it will combine the following components:

  • business vision;
  • business need;
  • expected benefits;
  • strategic fit;
  • products produced;
  • broad estimates of time and cost;
  • impact on the organization.

In essence, you create a picture that will interest not only you but also sponsors who want to become a part of the project. If you see a perspective in it, feel free to offer them to other people before rejecting it.

In the course of the process, changes are possible, since only by experience can you find out what else is worth finalizing. So you have to distribute the research in stages, then the company's money will not be wasted.

When to Use a Business Case

The research is necessary so that the CEO can see where the money will allocate and how much resources will be needed. Stakeholders and sponsors must also decide and consent to launch the project. In this exploration, the IT department will prepare the funds.

It is easy to deny the importance of a case study. After all, when you first think about a finance idea, spending a few hours doing a market exploration is the last thing. Most of us would instead start making and selling products right away than about marketing case studies.

But for any biz, there is a real need for market exploration. This is especially true for small companies where the first few months can be volatile. New businesses are needed as soon as possible, sales and clients, and market case studies can ensure these sales and clients don't stop coming.

How to Write a Business Case

Before you start writing a case study, mentally prepare yourself for the fact that this is a lengthy procedure. You have to get and analyze a ton of info. But having made this difficult step, you will go further faster, and the road will become more comfortable and exciting.

There must be enough info on the project to make a vital solution possible. Remember the following steps to create a project:

  • Use precise and concise info to convey thought;
  • Create exciting and brief text;
  • Do not use jargon and remove flimsy sentences, guesses, if any;
  • Tell us how you see the future;
  • Communicate the purpose of the project to the audience and convince them of the importance of researching the finance;
  • Write in the same style, and the text should be easy to read;
  • If you do not know where to get all the info you need, contact financial personnel, IT specialists.

What is a Business Case Study?

In general, Business Case Studies refers to any exploration undertaken when starting or running any biz. For example, beginning any biz requires researching the target client and competition to create a biz plan for visual content to see the business plan template.

Conducting a biz market exploration in existing companies helps to keep in touch with consumer demand. A small business case study starts with researching an idea and name and continues with an exploration. The exploration used for advertising purposes.

All exploration conducted to explore info that can make a company more successful. Case study methods in research vary depending on the firm's size and the type of info required. The methods used to measure client satisfaction can be questionnaires, interviews, or workshops.

What is the Purpose of a Business Case Study?

The purpose of a case study is to create info and analytical base for production solutions and reduce the level of uncertainty associated with them. Before starting an exploration, it is necessary to clearly articulate the central problem the firm is trying to solve. It may be a need:

  • increase sales;
  • the need to find out why a competitor's product is selling better;
  • introducing a completely new product to the market and determining the appropriate response to it.

Marketing exploration problems can arise from the type of product, the specifics of its consumption, market saturation, promotion channels, and competitors' actions. Therefore, the main task is to analyze and learn the problems the current state and further development of the market depend on.

Storytelling to Bring Company Product to Life

There is an idea for a unique product - great! Clients are not always secure. Do your case study fully understand what they need, even if they don't know what they want. Always analyze companies and their products in the marketplace to understand what they are doing well and get more results.

You can learn something you want from anyone, and it's hard to tell where a conversation might lead. Don't hesitate to send an email, make another call, or go to another meeting. Target people who can help you.

The ability to change the course of development makes startups exciting. As a command member, you also need to be ready for adaptation, which includes finding new ideas and mastering new skills. Startups love people who are one step ahead and prepared to tackle new challenges in a time of growth and change.

Peer-to-peer Influence

Recent studies have shown interest in researching consumer motivations, peer-to-peer influence on shopping behavior. It is not yet clear what factors influence the purchasing decision-making operation. The learning aims to provide an overview of the purchasing decision-making operation by comparing solution production and identifying factors.

Such actions motivate clients to decide or not to make a purchase solution. It found that the managing communication procedure differs from the solution for users. Thanks to them, you can understand which product is most often used.

But one of the main differences is the trading environment and managing communication. According to the traditional consumer decision-production model, a consumer's buying solution usually begins with an awareness of the need, then seeking info, alternative estimates, production and a purchasing solution.

Real-life Examples

Most potential clients, before using the company's offer, want to read reviews about it. For valid brand promotion, it is necessary to collect customer reviews and respond to them promptly and actively. It would be an excellent form to have a detailed individual response to the client instead of a formulaic one.

Having a real-life example encourages other people to buy the product. Customer critiques have a significant impact on biz efficiency, increasing conversions, and building a positive brand reputation. It is essential to get as much positive feedback as possible and respond to negative feedback in time.

The main thing that needs to do is to motivate the client to leave a critique somehow. You can broadcast your brand critiques received on social media. New clients will be interested in reading comments about the company's work. It's better to add photos and videos to reviews.

Powerful Advertising

For exploration, you need to access personal facts. Through this method, brand awareness can increase. Advertising for any firm is, first of all, the promotion of ideas that represent the beneficial aspects of goods and maintains.

Advertising promotion of a firm is an excellent solution to the issues of popularizing goods and maintains. This solution is useful for those who cannot imagine their life without constant communication with versatile people and want to keep abreast of events.

It would help if you had a bright, memorable, unlike anything advertising. On your own, you can submit an advertisement for the provision of maintenance on the Internet, newspapers, or the radio, and from that moment on, real profit will begin. No matter how hard you try and how great your firm is, a trading engine is imperative.

How to Write an Effective Business Case Study?

Almost every firm does some case studies, learning the market in which it operates, to one degree, another. What is a case study in simple terms?

Case studies allow:

  • make more informed management solutions;
  • get to know the needs and preferences of clients better;
  • assess the market prospects of products;
  • evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the campaign to promote goods/maintains;
  • choose the most effective means of promoting goods/maintains;
  • identify your strengths and weaknesses about competitors;
  • develop effective ways to counter competitors.

Thanks to these aspects, you can create a useful exploration because they will reveal all the secrets that you did not notice. The exploration should be carried out professionally and thoughtfully at all stages, from selecting the type to data processing methods.

Preparing the Case

There are several essential questions before giving the green light to the managing department to launch particular learning. What tasks should it solve? What sources of info to use? What to do with the received facts? Does the department have the resources to carry out such projects regularly?

And each answer must be backed up by strong arguments and relevant facts. Otherwise, the likelihood that the marketing strategy will lead to success is minimized.

For successful marketing research, you must:

  • set goals and objectives of the learning;
  • draw up exploration plan;
  • to directly collect info;
  • to analyze this very info;
  • and present it to your teacher.

More graphics and diagrams - teachers love this very much. After all, the table still needs to be analyzed, but the chart immediately shows what and how. Consider this when you prepare your defense.

Read the Case Thoroughly

To do this, you create a variety of notes. In general, you try to make the info you receive as accessible as possible; all this should be done when you read the exploration.

The theory is enough for the analysis, and you already have it written down in your notebooks, we go directly to the most important thing - the learning of the facts obtained. See if you made mistakes in the results. Then recalculate it accurately again.

When gathering info, seek professional advice. Sources of data can be:

  • experts - consultants (people who know a particular area of the market you are researching);
  • observation (the learning of the reaction and behavior of consumers);
  • case study (questionnaires, telephone surveys, etc.);
  • experiment;

For you in college or university, the easiest way to gather info is to survey selected respondents. But you can use other methods as well.

Focus Your Analysis

Thematic analysis is a systematic method of separating and organizing precious facts from a qualitative exploration. The analysis involves finding problems that are not initially seen.

Thematic analysis can be done in different ways. Choosing a more tool or method for this procedure depends on:

  • facts;
  • the context and constraints of the data-to-analysis phase;
  • the personal style of the researcher.

Writing notes during analysis and while ideas generate while reading text is fairly common among researchers. Note-taking is a form of thematic analysis and involves manual annotation and highlighting of facts. The researcher writes emerging ideas right along the way.

Read the facts before starting the analysis, even if you were doing the exploration alone. Read all of your transcripts, field notes, and other sources before analyzing them. At this point, you can connect your command to the project.

Think About Possible Solutions

To solve the problem, you need to think about the following factors:

  • close the knowledge gap;
  • see if you have contributed to existing exploration:
  • the issue should investigate through facts collection;
  • problems should be of interest to the researcher and should be consistent with his skills, time and resources;
  • the approach to solving the problem must be ethical and scientific.

Describe the condition that currently prevents the achievement or realization of the goal, state, or meaning described. This will create a real or existing situation as it is and establish a gap between what should be and what is.

Using specific details shows how the current situation contains little room for improvement if something does not. Then highlight the benefits of the project by predicting the consequences of possible solutions.

Select the Best One

Once your list of ideas that can solve a problem is long enough, you need to choose a single solution method. At this stage, one cannot do without the ability to work with priorities, which is essential for any product manager.

A simple matrix will help you quickly and put everything in place. The best outcome for your problem will be the highest level solution on the matrix.

Or take advantage of available product management techniques that offer features and prioritization tools. With the perfect solution to the problem found, it's time to take action.

If the solution involves several actions or requires additional from other team members, it is recommended to create an action plan and consider it as a mini-project. This approach was taken as the basis of many techniques to help solve team problems.

Drafting the Case

The biz report contains the following sections:

  1. Annotation - includes a description of the problem, goals, and main results of the learning.
  2. An introduction that includes:
    • name, customer facts, problem statement, goals, and hypotheses;
    • info about the artist, links to the materials used, a brief description of the sections.
  3. The central part, which includes the research methodology and analytical section. Typically, the investigate methodology contains:
    • description of the stages of the project;
    • essential content and categories;
    • facts sources, sample sizes, and composition;
    • the analytical section includes a list of results.
  4. Conclusions and suggestions that contain:
    • opinions of experts about the state of the object, trends in its development;
    • development prospects of the purpose;
    • ways to solve the identified problems.


To avoid losses for production, marketers are forced to resort to specially prepared documents. The document begins and starts, here you should indicate what problem is raising and what it is about. For example:

Marketing investigation began to develop when firms realized that they could no longer sell everything they produced. And they must identify the needs of the market and adjust their products to them. A managing project is created to evaluate these needs.

Modern projects are impossible without the use of computer technology. Most of the specialists in biz procedure management are also specialist researchers. Therefore, use your computer to create a page-shaped introduction. The introduction should reflect all subsequent info, facts analysis on various aspects of biz activities.


The stage of the project procedure can formulate in the form of background:

  • defining the problem and goals;
  • info plan for the reader;
  • implementation of methods;
  • interpretation of the results obtained and bringing them to the attention of the management.

This is a general scheme, but you can form the scheme as you see fit. Look at the topic and, if possible, compose your plan, which consists of suitable components that are similar to ours. For example, the learning of a product, price, consumers, market is carried out according to its schemes or algorithms.

Think first in your head what you want to achieve from the project and then transfer your thoughts to paper so as not to lose anything important. After all, the project is created to help your biz. Here you need to answer the questions: "What do I want?" and "why do I need this?"

Evaluation of the Case

This block includes the following aspects you need:

  • Assess the prospects for product demand;
  • Assess the effectiveness of the implemented activities;
  • It makes no sense to conduct a project with the aim of “Assessing the Market Capacity” if it is clear even without investigating that the firm cannot scale up production and significantly increase production.
  • Assess the degree of customer loyalty;
  • Assess the effectiveness of an advertising campaign;
  • Assess the growth potential of the market in the long term.

Using quantitative methods, it is possible to estimate the market capacity in physical and monetary terms. Find out how the market distributes among competitors; see a portrait of your client. Understand the prospects of a new product that the firm intends to launch on the market, assess the brand's health, and much more.

Final Solution

The approach to problem-solving is that the solution to the problem depends on how the question presents, how difficult everything is. Therefore, if a solution is not found, then the issues need to be reformulated.

This technique demonstrates how restructuring the mental image of the problem solve leads to the ability to understand the problem's essence and find the required solution. You can find an answer from your own experience by looking at the results.

But at the same time, any solution must be supported by facts. You must explain why you see precisely this way out of the situation. First, we analyze the current state, then the desired one, and look for ways to achieve it.

When you have a completely new task in front of you, which you have never encountered before, the best way is to find a suitable analog. A proper example must be from a similar category.

Business Case Study Structure and Format

The structure of the project contains the following five stages:

  1. Market investigate. Study of the market environment, its structure, and parameters, capacity, specifics of the product.
  2. Creating and ensuring the functioning of the managing info system, within which information is collected, summarized, and analyzed.
  3. Based on the received info, the analysis of all functioning conditions of the market carried out.
  4. Development of various models, programs, projects, technologies aimed at the valid promotion of goods or maintains on the market.
  5. Use in bringing PR-activities related to the formation of the firm's image.

So, the whole procedure takes place around one main character who is trying to solve a problem. It has a story format that will allow the reader to understand the essence of the task.

Case Study Protagonist

In this project, there should be a protagonist who finds a solution to the problem. This format will allow the reader to take on the role of the protagonist and try himself in the part researcher. Then info acquires not only scientific data but also the form of a game.

Such a hero can be a branding leadership. He has a difficult task ahead of him and only a few months to solve it. We created a new product, but it can both harm and bring financial assistance to the firm. Don't forget to include a case study definition.

From this, the plot starts - there is a hero, and there is a non-standard situation. You must be smart, confident, leadership because your task is to convey your idea to the reader. And then carry out the necessary analyzes and look for the solution problem. You avoid negative consequences and solve the problem in a winning state because it should be in your favor.

Case Study Narrative

Every story begins with the main character; we have to introduce him to the reader. Describe the role, and what responsibilities he faces, what narrative style he has chosen, what difficulties await us. Indicate the solution to which the hero will come and to what result in the ghost.

Describe the details that hinder, such as the short delivery time of the project and other situations. The next section should continue the stories and tell more about the project. You can use case study examples for students to highlight the accents better.

The head of the firm joins the hero. Indicate the name and what activity he is engaged in. Next, indicate the task you will be working with and what the problem will lead to. Include a financial report in the article to help the student resolve the issue and come to the desired results.

Deciding Point

Observation and conclusions are qualitative and carried out in a non-standardized manner. The end consists of an assessment, explanation, and forecast of the development of processes and phenomena.

As a result, you fill in some of the gaps and solve some of the problems that you mentioned earlier. You can find helpful opinions and expert critiques to help you write conclusions based on the work done.

Inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete info can lead to wrong conclusions and wrong solutions. The minimum losses from this waste time and money, but often this leads to negative consequences for the development of the entire biz.

Each managing investigation project ends with a solution. If the solution was not made and the investigation did not lead to specific tasks and work, it was wasted.

What About Hiring an Expert to Write a Business Case Study for You?

If you decide to open new biz or improve an existing enterprise's efficiency, a custom project service is ready to help. The firm is prepared to provide you with a top service by conducting an in-depth analysis of the enterprise.

When studying the target of the market, experts always consider the following aspects of the biz environment:

  • the specifics of production;
  • the needs of potential customers;
  • finding an attractive sector for trade;
  • forecast of the organization's activities and development for up to 10 years;
  • the dynamics of supply and demand;
  • competitive activity;
  • search for potential partners;
  • sales and managing strategy;
  • pricing policy.

Use these top services in your project to not waste time and save energy for other essential tasks. Thanks to the professionals, you will achieve accurate results. You will have a comprehensive product at your disposal that will become a useful tool for increasing your business's efficiency. With its skillful use, the desired heights can achieve.

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I studied sociology and marketing at Europa-Universität Viadrina (Germany) and Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal). When I was a sophomore, back in 2018, I decided to put what I've learned into practice, so I got my first job in digital marketing. I currently work in the content marketing department at Studybay, building strong, effective, and respectful communication between the platform and our clients.

Angelina Grin

Creative Writer and Blog Editor

Despite my relatively young age, I am a professional writer with more than 14 years of experience. I studied journalism at the university, worked for media and digital agencies, and organized several events for ed-tech companies. Yet for the last 6 years, I've worked mainly in marketing. Here, at Studybay, my objective is to make sure all our texts are clear, informative, and engaging.

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